Tuesday 15 October 2013

More Visits & Back to Kampala

Even though we didn't get to bed until after midnight, I was up again at 6 am and had a quick bucket bath with about 10 litres of water - yes, it can be done! Hope picked us up at 7 am and we were off to Kbale. The new 75 km section of road over the mountains was absolutely terrific but still very windy.

Our first stop was Kigezi High School where we saw Fortunate who is in Senior 3 and was soon to sit a Chemistry exam. Unfortunately my camera's battery was dead and I had left my charger back in Kampala. Miriam used her phone to take some photos but I did not get a chance to get a copy of them before she headed off to Lira to spend a week or so with her family.

Next we visited Jolly at Hornby High School. It happened to be a visiting day but her family in Kisoro was unable to come. She did not know that we were going to visit and she was so excited that she was shaking - she's such a dear girl and she seems to be doing well. She is in Senior 5 and has been elected a prefect for sport & education. We had a good long chat and I also recorded a short interview for her sponsor.

At 12.30 pm, after a bite to eat, we said farewell to Mary & Hope and boarded a Jaguar coach for Kampala. Most of the road was quite good but there were patches where roadworks were taking place. We arrived back at about 8 pm and both headed off to our respective homes for an early night.

I think God knew that I needed a rest on Sunday because everyone that I tried to contact was unavailable, so I took the opportunity to have a lazy day, dozing and watching some soccer on TV.

Today (Monday) was another busy day. I spent the first hour or so catching up with everyone at Wakisa and then went into town. I needed to buy 3 laptops for the girls at university, get Suzan's PC fixed and upgrade a laptop for Dinah, another girl at Uni (the laptop was given to me by another Aussie supporter before I left home). Doesn't sound much does it - but it took nearly 2 hours - along with the language issues, Ugandans have a very annoying habit in shops - if they are serving you, all sorts of other people will butt in to get served as well, so they end up dealing with 5 or 6 issues at once and so they all take a long time! I then went to a travel agent to book my flight to Juba in Sudan and my return flight to Nairobi. Then to the bank (another 1 hour wait) and withdrew UGX 6,000,000 to pay for everything. This left me with a visit to see the carpenter, Shem, to see how the new cupboard was going (not that well!) and then to another business to find out how to order a granite benchtop (these are not so expensive and will be the most serviceable in the outdoor kitchen). Returning to the computer store, I was disappointed to find that nothing was ready (some good reasons!) and that I would have to return the next day. When I got back to Wakisa, I discovered that Tuesday was a public holiday, but I should still be able to get some work done.

Sorry there's no photos in this post! Should be some next time.

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