Friday 20 September 2013

Nairobi - Sept 19

15 hours to Abi Dhabi and then a 3 hr stopover. Wanted to take a photo of the sun just coming up (the sky was misty with sand and so the sun was easy to look at and was a pinkish yellow), but it was the that I found that I had left the camera battery in the charger in the big bag in the hold of the plane. I later met a German lady who let me put my SD card into her camera and take a couple of shots (see one below)

Airport was chaotic and plane left 25 minutes late. Watched "A Good Day to Die Hard". The driver Patrick picked me up at Nairobi Airport after taking only 20 mins to get through Immigration, customs & collect my bag. Roads are pretty good and the traffic was better than diabolical. Am staying with the Creans tonight.

Sharon, Pete, Liz & friend Teri
Off to Teen Ranch near Loitoktok in the morning.

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