Wednesday 18 September 2013

Leaving Day!

Well, today is the culmination of much planning & expectation. God has put me in touch with some amazing people and so I am sure that He has gone before me and prepared a way. I am also secure in His protection, even though I won't be doing anything silly to put myself in harms way.

You'd think that given the long lead time of this trip, that I'd be all prepared way ahead of time - but no - I'm off to the bank to organise money, then to the shops to do some last-minute purchases! Then ironing and packing, as well as making a motor accident claim - I backed out of the garage on Sunday right into Kathryn (elder daughter) & Maurice's car! Not much damage to their car but enough to Margaret's car to make a claim.

I'll drop in to see Penny (younger daughter), Scott & Riley (grandson) this afternoon, before Kathryn & Maurice drop me at the airport.

Then 15 hours to Abu Dhabi, a 3 hr layover and finally another 5 hrs to Nairobi. I'll be staying with Sharon & Peter Crean for the night (just met them by email looking for a borehole drilling contractor). Sharon is the Kenyan Director for Beyond Water. Patrick, their driver, will be collecting me from the airport.

The following morning, they have offered to drive me to the area of Oloitokitok (check it out on Google maps) which will take about 4-5 hours. They're bringing their tent and will stay at the Teen Ranch Kenya site for the night. They were involved in Christian camping in New Zealand before coming to Kenya. I received a Teen Ranch Scotland newsletter at work yesterday and found this photo of the current dining room (I think!)

There is a team of young people coming from Scotland this Sunday - I think the idea is that we put a roof on!

The following Wednesday I'll return to Nairobi, catch up with a couple of people and then head off to Uganda on Thursday evening.

More posts when I'm able!

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